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RidhiTechGroup specializes in Data Management, Business Intelligence and Analytics. We provide our clients across a range of sectors with end-to-end data solutions and also help assess, develop, support and deliver complex data programs in Finance, Risk, Change, Marketing and IT. Using advanced analytics for prediction, optimization, simulation, and exploration into undiscovered insights. Our professionals continuously assess model quality and help script testimonials for project sponsors.

Our approach is as unique and as trendy required in today’s changing world. Our holistic services allow us to craft a highly specialized strategy that targets your unique needs and pain points. We stretch our data muscles day in and day out to ensure we are flexible and agile in our execution of your strategy.
Our team of talented people always seek new ways to keep you ahead of the curve and create an adaptable support system to help you achieve your goals.


Working Prototype in 30 Days

Agile Deployment


End-user analytics has paved the way for a smarter, intelligent future. We at RidhiTechGroup identify, analyze, and deliver solutions that resonate with customer needs. We believe in the motto that to know and understand is to deliver better. Human preference is versatile, and in this versatility, we seek opportunities. Our primary focus is to enhance and simplify user experience, while staying on top of latest user behavioral trends. Analytics is the brainchild behind predicting consistent purchase patterns, identifying online user behaviors and preferences, and delivering intelligent suggestions. Artificial intelligence is now leveraging a combination of data, technology, and predictive analytics to redefine customer interaction.

We at RidhiTechGroup, help you strategize the following :

Marketing analytics

Marketing analytics is a science that measures, manages and analyzes marketing performance to maximize effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI). A strong understanding of marketing analytics minimizes wasted web marketing dollars and enables improvement by researching key business metrics. By blending non-traditional data sources with enterprise data and adapting to the rapidly evolving digital delivery channels, marketing analytics provides exceptional opportunities for your business and your brand.

Marketing Analytics offers :

We at RidhiTechGroup, help you strategize the following :

Utilty Analytics

Utility analytics plays an immense role in demand and production. The next advantage is gathering consumer insights and finding analytic capabilities indispensable in resolving business challenges. Utility analytics plays a vital role in order to be a leader in the industry and not to fall behind. Utilities have always analyzed data to improve the operation of the electric grid and their processes. Data analytics are helping utility companies to better understand usage patterns and deliver new services and savings to customers, especially for energy providing industry. Analytics and IoT data are also being used by utilities for predictive grid operation and maintenance. To keep us prepared for climatic changes, historic weather based analysis helps predicting and forecasting the future weather events.

What we specialize in: